Email Vs Teams Chat Usage
EMG Locations
Endpoint Breakdown
Event Summary
Highways England Cameras
Using data provided by Transport For London, this widget displays a table of information on the recent activity at the station of your choosing.
Mobile Data Usage
National Rail
Using data provided by National Rail, this widget displays a table of information on the upcoming arrivals/departuress departures at the station of your choosing. You must pick whether you wish for the widget to display arrivals or departures.
UCentric Autoruns
UCentric Call Forwarding
UCentric Call Stats
UCentric Data Grid
UCentric Device Breakdown
UCentric Energy Trend
UCentric Graphs
UCentric Handset Types
UCentric Hotdesk Users
UCentric Power Management
UCentric Simplified Autoruns
UCentric Source Graph
UCentric Source Overview Chart
UCentric Trunk Usage
UCentric Voicemail Data
UKHO Tide Tables
This widgets draws upon information provided by the UK Hydrographic Office to display data based on the location that you choose. There is a list to pick from, such as in the above example is set to Southend-On-Sea.
Unused Phones
Usage Mapping
The Usage Mapping widget allows for a 3D floor plan to be used from the web interface, and can plot multiple different data sources on the plan itself. Such as usage statistics, which can be edited and configured.