Viewing Data and Reports


To view standard reports for a site(PBX)/audit/scan/discovery you must first browse to the site, this is done by selecting “Sites” under the “Site Selector” in the Voice Audit pane.


A Site Selector window will then appear which lists all sites your login profile is permitted to see.

Nodes/groups are shown with folder icons and individual sites are shown with their respective vendor icon.


Once you have found the required site click on it to open its summary. Sites can also be selected from the “Sites” button at the top of the left-hand pane.

Once you have selected a site all reports are accessible from the left-hand pane, and are applied to the Site currently being viewed in the main pane.

NOTE: You can have multiple sites open at the same time in different tab windows.

Exporting Reports

Most reports can be exported to PDF and Excel using the icons shown at the top or bottom of the report. Once an icon is clicked the web browser will prompt you to save or run the file.

Tree and node view reports can exported to an image file by clicking the Save icon at the top of window.

Site Summary


The first page you will see upon selecting a site is the Site Summary.

This shows all scans available for the selected PABX, the earliest and latest dates of the scans and gives the ability to view or compare scans.

Scan dates are identified using the date format “YYYY/MM/DD” followed by the 24-hour time format “HH:MM:SS”.

If only one scan is selected (or if only one scan is available) then only information for that scan will be shown in reports. More information about the actual scan data can be found in the Interpreting PBX audits section.

If you select two scans, the “Out of Service” and “Moves and Changes” reports become available and reports will show differences between the two scan dates selected.

To choose a specific scan for the selected site, choose it from the drop down shown under the site name.

HLD and LLD Reports


The site summary screen also shows options for running HLD (Word Merge) and LLD (Migration Plan) reports.


A HLD (High-level design) report provides a high-level overview of all configuration on the system in a user-friendly word document report.

This report is based on word doc templates that can be modified to remove or add additional information from the PBX audit. Furthermore, you can change the branding of the document to meet your needs. More information on modifying HLD or word merge templates can be found here

When you are ready to create a HLD, select the template you want to use from the drop-down menu and then select “Merge”. A window then appears with the status of the report creation.

Once completed the HLD report will be automatically downloaded to your downloads folder.


Some example pages from the HLD are included above for reference, you can also get full example reports from on our resource hub on the website.

LLD/Migration Plan (Low-level design report)

An LLD provides a complete low-level breakdown of user config, hunt, pickup, page (and other groups), profiles, IVR/Call Flows, Bridged Extensions, and lots more in a single Excel Spreadsheet.

Select “Export Migration Plan” from the site summary screen (Can also be run from the Administration>Voice Audit menu too)

The Migration Plan/LLD options are then shown, each option is listed below along with an explanation on the affect each have on the LLD report:

Sites - This lists the site and scan date the LLD will be generated for, multiple sites may show here if accessing the report from the administration pane which allows for multiple sites to be combined into one report.

Additional Sources - Voicemail, Recorder, DDI, Network, AD, Custom - These options allow for you to select additional data sources which are blended into the LLD. An explanation of each format and the required file can be found here

Files can be dropped into the drop file window and then selected in the relevant drop-down

CDR & Restrict CDR - This allows you to select a date range and agent to report on if you UCentric system has call data agents configured. Selecting these options will include the utilisation of each extension in the LLD including the total of Incoming, outgoing and types of calls for each extension.

Translations - This allows you to replace values from the audited PBX with different values, for example, fi you have a COS of 1 you may choose to change this to “International” so that any extensions with COS 1 will show as needing an international call restriction if moving to another platform.


Note, the suggested options are pre-selected for you however you can change these to fit your requirements.

Ignore all CDR - Select this if you do not want to include CDR data in your LLD
Ignore all Network - This will ignore network information if you have a customer file selected in the drop-down above.
Exclude devices with no usage before - this will remove devices from the report if they don’t have usage after a certain date, note, this should only be used if you have CDR data selected.
Exclude profiles with no usage before - As above but for profiles
Include any mobility login after - Similar to the above options but this includes mobility users with logins after a certain date, note only CUCM systems utilise mobility
Exclude devices with no network usage - As above but for network usage if using a network file.
Ignore cross-location errors for root location -This ignores any warnings that we generated on the LLD when users appear in a group which is located in a different region, note only relevant on CUCM.
Insert E.164 '+' symbol - This inserts an E.164 “+” symbol into the report for each DDI.
Remove any E.164 '+' symbols - This remove the + symbol from DDIs
Force all devices to be profiles - This combines devices into the profiles tab on the LLD, useful if the PBX has concepts of both devices and profiles but you are moving to a system that just uses user profiles.
Min / Max expected extn length - This sets the range of extension lengths on the system, any extensions that are outside of these lengths will be flagged on the LLD as an issue, useful if you need to know which is the most common extn length or need all lengths to be the same.
Name correction - This allows you to correct the name format to be first, last or last, first.
Voicemail number - Setting the voicemail number will mark this on the LLD where it appears.
Remove prefix - Remove a prefix of numbers from extensions or DDIs
Include 'Target'/'Involving' in CDR search - If using CDR data, you can choose to include the “Target” of calls for utilisation. This means that if a call goes to an extn but is answered by another, the LLD will show the call against the original target.
Remove duplicate DNs - Remove any duplicate numbers from the LLD
Remove unused columns - Remove blank columns from the LLD
Include internal/tandem calls - Choose to include internal call usage in the LLD
Check phone support - Choose a platform to check phone support for in the LLD, if selected the issues tab of the LLD will flag which phones are not supported.
Exclude CDR call types - Only include incoming and outgoing call totals in the LLD and not call types (Mobiles, non-geographic, etc)
Use 'Fuzzy' matching on AD - If using an AD file, this will enable matching against the AD data on more than just the extension but combinations of name, email too.
Exclude Call Flows Diagram - Exclude the call flow diagram from the LLD, useful on large complex sites which may fail to generate if there is too much data.
Use adaptation ruleset - This selects a ruleset which is a set of rules which specify values to replace, values to delete or add based on the output of the LLD. MIT support can provide guidance on this.

Edit adaptation ruleset - See above, this allows editing of rulesets.

Exclude Non-home cluster (Cisco) - This includes non-home cluster profiles or devices in the LLD report (CUCM Only)

Output - The output allows you to choose an LLD output format, this may be vendor specific.


Click “Create Plan” to start to report generation. A prompt appears to confirm your choice and then a window will appear to indicate the generation is in progress.

Once completed the report will be automatically downloaded to your downloads folder (depending on web browser)

Search Function

The Search facility is designed to enable the user to quickly locate information relating to particular types of asset across all sites, rather than focusing on the configuration of a particular PBX. This makes it possible to instantly determine the availability of key resources across the entire communications network without having to examine each PBX in turn.


As the Search Criteria box suggests, a variety of parameters can be included within the search. The search can be limited to a particular site, or to items with a particular description (such as “ALOG 16”). Specific MAC or IP addresses can be searched for, or items with a particular firmware revision (the firmware list box contains all revisions detected on any PBX audit). It is also possible to search for particular extension or trunk numbers. Finally, it is possible to restrict the search to the most recent PBX audits of each site.

If the search parameters that are used result in too many matches, the system will request that additional parameters are entered in order to refine the search. Similarly if no matches are found then the system will request the search parameters are altered. When an appropriate number of matches are found, a results box similar to the one below will be shown.


For each item found the system indicates the site, the date of the PBX audits containing the item, the PLID (Physical Location Identifier), the IP or MAC address (if applicable), the trunk or extension number (if applicable) and the type of item. Clicking on one of these matches will open the appropriate PBX audit report and locate the item within the Configuration Tree. For more information, refer to the Interpreting PBX audits section on the next page.

The ”Quick Search Features” option allows you to quickly search through all categories within the software options for a PABX for a particular setting.

Detailed Views and Visualisations

The first group of reports allows for both detailed views or visualisations in either a table, tree or node style view for the selected site.


Clicking on one of the reports will create a navigable tree/topography view of the configuration. For large systems this may take some time to load and is not recommended for systems that have 10,000+ extensions.

Each report is explained below.

Main Tree View

The Main Tree View report allows you to see the main configuration of the selected site/scan.

This interface allows you to navigate through the various elements of the PBX configuration. Clicking the arrows expands or collapses branches within the tree.

Note that it is possible to click on the +/- links the top-left corner of the tree to instantly expand or collapse the available data. In addition, the “Only Show Changes” link displays only those items of configuration data that have changed since the last PBX audit (only shown if you have compared two scans).

By expanding each item you will be able to drill further into the configuration of the system to view trunks, lines, cards, handsets and information on the features programmed on each handset or device.

ARS Tree

If any Automatic Route Selection (ARS) programming has been found during the PBX audit, it will be shown here.

Expand the tree using the arrows to see the full ARS information, an explanation on this is also listed below.

In the example highlighted, the digits 907 followed by 10 other digits, routes to ‘List 12’ that has a first choice of ‘Route 12’ and then ‘Route 2’. The ‘Route 12’ uses trunk group 12, with digit modification 12 that removes the first digit and inserts Tone Overlay 12 (<T12>)

Within the ARS Route Explorer, each leading digit that has ARS programming associated with it has a node. Expanding one of these leading digit nodes will show the basic details of any ARS routes. The leading digits associated with the ARS route are shown, along with the expected number of additional digits (signified in grey with a “plus” symbol). Also shown are the Route number that applies (signified with an Ordnance Survey “OS” icon), the Digit Modification number that applies (signified with a blue “keypad button” icon) and how many digits will be removed by it if any (signified with a red “minus” icon).

Fully expand the tree to view additional information such as the destination of the Route number (in the picture above, Route 2 directs calls to Trunk Group 15).

When investigating ARS routes it is also possible to examine any Route List Plans that may exist. For example, the picture on the left indicates if the caller dials four digits commencing “39” (as indicated by the “39+2->” entry) then Route List Plan 5 will be used. The fourth of the routes to be attempted has been expanded out, showing that it leads via Route 18 to Trunk Group 18 (which consists of six trunks, each of which has a Circuit Descriptor of 2 and a Trunk Service of 8).

Hunt Groups Tree

The hunt group tree report shows all hunt, pickup, ACD, paging and other types of groups configured on the PBX, expanding the groups will show the memebers and their extensions.

The group/pilot number, distribution and hunt type is also listed.

Trunk Groups Tree

This report displays the various Trunk Groups configured on the system. They are shown with their group number, trunk selection methodology (such as terminal or circular) and group name, if any. Any trunk lines that are not associated with a Trunk Group are gathered together in the Unallocated Trunks node.

An example here shows Trunk Group number 10, that it uses the Terminal methodology to select an available trunk line, and that it has not been named.

The numbers of all the trunk lines in the group are shown in the correct order. Since this is a Terminal group it is possible to determine that when attempting to locate a free trunk line for calls directed to this group, the PBX will first try trunk 314, then trunk 313, then 312, and so on.

For every trunk line in the group, the Circuit Descriptor and Trunk Service numbers are also shown.

Extn Directory

The Extn Directory contains details relating to each individual extension that resides on the site. This report allows you to view the Extn number, PLID, Name, Extension Type version, firmware, IP address as well as the class of service and restriction for each extension.

On the right side of each extension you have two options, Topography and Display Phone.

The topography allows you to see a breakdown of the connection between the switch and the extension in a visual format.

Display Phone will bring up a graphic of the handset. On this it will display the configuration of the buttons. This will give the user an overview of how the phone is set up and what to look for if investigating the particular handset.

Note: This may show limited information dependent on the PABX vendor type

C/Fwd Summary

The Call Forwarding Summary report displays any extensions with call forwarding enabled during the scan. Information included on this report allows you to determine where calls are being forward to and under what circumstances calls are transferred along with the type of device that is set to forward. This also enables identification of possible fraud risks with calls being forwarded to international o premium rate numbers.

Fixed spares

Please speak to MIT support for more information on this report.

System speed dials

This report includes a list of any speed dials configured on the system (Not individual user speed dials)

Screen captures

Screen captures show the raw data/terminal screens captured during the audit, note only available on direct connection audits and not those performed via backup.

IP registration history


IP registration history will show the IP registrations of devices on the PBX

ARS Cloud

Another method of visualising the ARS or Route Plans is too the use the “ARS Cloud” facility. This creates a pop-up force-directed graph of connections that can be exported to an image file at will.


Simple wireMap view

The simple wireMap view shows the configuration of the system and each device, gateway or server connected to it in an interactive topology visualisation.

IVR/ACD view

A visual representation of IVRs configured on the system.

Call flows

A visual representation of call flows on the system including IVR, hunt groups and Auto-attendants, their destinations, options, overflows and more.

TDM cabinet Map

The TDM Cabinet map shows a map of any physical TDM cabinets, note this will only show data for legacy platforms that utilise physical cards and cabinets.

Capacity Graphs

The Capacity Graphs will give an instant view of Extension and Trunk availability within a particular site configuration.


This enables the system administrator to instantly see if the telephone system is running to full capacity, or if there is spare availability within the existing configuration.

Note, only some systems will include capacities, modern IP systems use licensing rather than physical cards and capacities to determine the number of devices allowed.

Summary reports

Summary report


A summary of the numbers and capacities for cards, cabinets, devices, profiles, trunks and the system in total

Card counts

If physical cards are located in the PBX, the card count report will include these and the numbers of devices configured on each, along with part numbers, trunks and capacities.

Note, IP based systems may not have physical cards and therefore this report will only show the numbers of devices, IP lines, profiles, and trunks.

Moves and Changes

This provides a summary of any changes that have occurred within the two most recent scans for the selected sites. Only sites with changes will be detailed, and clicking on the site will automatically perform a comparison report.

Extn Usage/Summary

The Extn Usage/Summary report displays the types of each handset configured on the PBX along with the number of Programmed, out of service and the amount actually in use.


In addition to images of the various handsets, more information is available by hovering the mouse pointer over them. An “information bubble” is displayed which contains further details.

More information regarding specific extensions can be found in the Extension Directory report.

Out of Service

The Out of Service report as the name suggests displays information on out of service devices. Here you can see the total number of OoS devices, the type of device, cause of OoS, whether they are resilient and the actual number of OoS devices of this type.

HotDesk Summary

This report will display information on hotdesk users, here you can see the extension of the hotdesk, the Name of the user, whether they’re logged in or not along with their class of service (COS)

ACD Agents

The ACD Agents lists all Agent ID’s that are ‘tied’ to a physical phone, and the Call Forwarding Summary shows any personal call forwarding that has been placed on a handset by a user.







Regions will show each region or location configured in the PBX along with the name, and number of analog or IP devices at each location.


Green shows a breakdown of the estimate environmental impact or kWh usage of each device or system component.


A list of firmware in use on the system and devices. This will only show information if firmware has been captured in the audit.

Cabinets / MGC's

Any physical cabinets, servers or gateways will show in this report with their name, IP, MAC and any options that can be found for the specified item.

Enterprise Reports

Enterprise reports allow for more extensive reporting specific to particular requirements or vendor platforms. The reports available may differ depending on site license. This section details how to navigate each available report.


Running an Enterprise Report

Before running an enterprise report you must ensure a site or sites are selected. This can be done by clicking the “None” button next to “Sites Selected:” in the Enterprise Reports window and choosing the site you wish to report on.

Merge Document

This allows you to run a HLD/Merge report much like detailed in the HLD section of this guide

Site Resources

This provides a summary of all Trunks/Extension circuits, cards and firmware across multiple sites. It is designed to give an ‘enterprise view’ of the availability of circuits across an estate.

Moves and Changes

This provides a summary of any changes that have occurred within the two most recent scans for the selected sites. Only sites with changes will be detailed, and clicking on the site will automatically perform a comparison report.

Fraud Risks

Within any telephone system configuration, there is always the risk of toll fraud. This report highlights unsecured DISA ports (Mitel) and personal call-forwarding (all vendors) that could result in Toll-Fraud. The report allows you to select different types of calls to be highlighted with a series of checkboxes which allows you to filter based on the criteria listed.

Feature Comparison


The Feature comparison report allows a network manager to compare all the software levels between similar PBXs in order to identify problems with network software levels etc.

A prime example of this would be to ensure that all PBXs in the network were running the same level of DPNSS and ARS to ensure full compatibility within a voice VPN.

Simple CSV Data

This outputs a simplified summary of ports and extensions configured on each system to a generic CSV file format.

Trunk Cards and Groups

This report generates an Excel Spreadsheet containing details of all the Trunk Cards and Trunk Circuits in site, card, and circuit order.

EOL/Firmware Updates

The EOL Report is dependent on the management of the EOL Tables. If these are kept up to date with manufacturer notices, a simple report can be produced to show all End-Of-Life or End-Of-Service equipment within the client base. In addition, this can also be used to highlight software/firmware updates required within the estate.

Note: This report is dependent on maintaining a global EOL list to run the report against.

Simple Map View

The simple map view provides a map that shows locations within the PBX. Selecting a location will open the site summary page for that PBX audit.

Note: This report relies on Longitude/Latitude information being added to each system

Google Maps

Note: This report requires Internet Access.

The Google Maps view on UCentric Voice Audit provides a scalable, topographical view of your sites, with an overlay in the form of a semi-transparent disc that indicates the ‘size’ of the site (in terms of circuits). Clicking on the pointer at each site allows you to go back to the main scan selection page with the relevant site pre-selected. This provides a simple method to access sites by location.

EOL/EOS (End-of-Life/End-of-Service)

In order to report on ‘End of Life’ equipment, or highlight equipment that is due for an upgrade, a list of EOL items must be maintained by the user. This is achieved by selecting the following option from the Administration tab

Once you have clicked on Edit EOL Table you are presented with the report pictured below. From here you can select one of the entries to edit in detail. Clicking on a single entry with pop up an additional form.

This form is populated by numerous fields and dropdown menus. These will be pre-populated with the existing data and settings when editing. Using this, you can specify either/or revisions or EOL/EOS dates.

Use this if you want to report a card as EOS or EOL.

This should be the ‘latest’ revision of the card.

Put the Mitel part number as reported by the card.

The EOL report can be run against a single or multiple sites, and the EOL information can be imported into the UCentric Voice Audit platform utilising the Database Schema that is available as part of the MIT Developers Programme.

Template Comparisons

Please contact MIT support for information on running template comparisons. This feature allows you to run comparisons on the PBX against a perfect site or configuration.

Site Spares/Fixed Items

There is a (licenced) mechanism within UCentric Voice Audit to allow you to include ‘fixed items’ with every scan. These could be things such as UPS Power Supplies, Air-Conditioning or even spare cards and handsets that are located on site, but not currently installed.

These spare items will be included in every scan and changing them will also affect historic scans as well.

Select a site and Show Spares from the left pane to get the report pictured below:

From this report view there is a button located at the bottom called Edit Spares. Clicking this will open the Edit Spares view, detailing the items in a more detailed state. Here you can add new items by selecting the button at the bottom or edit an existing item by clicking on it.

The image below is the form that appears when editing a spare item. Similar to other forms throughout the interface that allow editing, you will find pre-populated fields. At the bottom of this form there are buttons which enable you to change or delete the entry.

The fields are as follows:-

Node ID The position in the tree (for ease of managing, e.g. Cards)

Description A general free-form description

Model Analog, Digital etc (Keep as accurate as possible)

Part Number As it appears in a scan, e.g. “5220” or “MC320CD”

Install/Modify Date Date Stamp (for tracking purposes)

Quantity The number of items of this type

Static Information

Like the ‘Site Spares/Fixed Items’, you can add additional information to a particular entry within a scan, specifically a serial number or note.

These additional details will show in every scan for the site, and changing them will also affect historic scans as well.

Open the site you wish to edit and you will see on the main page for that site, there are a collection of buttons at the bottom of the window. One is labelled Edit Static.

Expand the tree out to the particular item you want to add a serial number or note to.

Right click on the item you want to edit. It will then open an Edit Static Data form. From here you can make changes to the Serial Number and/or add notes. Once complete, click the Update Notes button to return to the tree menu.

Carbon Footprint

There is a (licenced) mechanism within UCentric Voice Audit to calculate the Carbon impact of the communications platforms. This is achieved by populating the system with the relevant information for each of the types of devices you are scanning. There is an in-built ability to generalise this with a ‘generic’ entry for each type/sub-type (e.g. a fall-through setting for all Digital Handsets, rather than a particular make/model)

From the Administration tab, select “Edit CO2 values”.


Within the next screen, there are three main areas. firstly in the top right, there is a global kgCO2/kWh. This is the amount of CO2 produced per Kilowatt of Electricity, and generally agreed to be around 0.52kg for ‘on grid’ electricity.

The top-left shows a navigable tree of the items.

The above image is of the Edit Form. This allows the user to edit pre-existing items from the tree view. From here you can save the changes or choose to delete the entry.

The fields are as follows:-

Category The position in the tree (for ease of managing, e.g. Mitel\Handsets)

Circuit Type System, Cabinet, Card, Handset etc.

Circuit Sub-Type Analog, Digital etc (Keep as accurate as possible)

Name As it appears in a scan, e.g. “IP Line” or “DNIC” etc

Detail As it appears in a scan, e.g. “5220” or “MC320CD”

Notes Not used at present

CO2 Grammes The Grammes of CO2 to manufacture the item (not used at present)

Milli-Watts/Hour Wattage, e.g. 2w = 2000mw

Generic Item Set to ‘Yes’ for a generic item that matches on Type/Subtype only

Comparing PBX audits

As previously indicated, it is possible to compare two different PBX audits in order to ascertain whether or not any changes have occurred to the configuration of a particular PBX in the interval between the two scan dates. It is possible to select multiple scans for this purpose within the site summary (when viewing a particular site).

Having selected two scans, reports on the left hand pane will show any configuration changes between the two scans and two additional sections of the scan report – the Comparative Changes section and the Swaps/Firmware Changes section – will provide additional information on any PBX alterations that might have taken place.

Various icons and messages are used in the Configuration Tree to denote details of the comparison. Green “refresh” icons show when an item of equipment has been replaced with another. The blue “plus” icon shows when an item of equipment has been added to the PBX between the two scans. Finally, red “minus” icons indicate items of equipment that have been removed.

In the Configuration Tree shown above, the green icon and corresponding “Changed” warning message in red at the top indicate that the actual software revision of the PBX was changed at some point in the period between the two PBX audits. This line includes the change that has been made. As usual, the Configuration Tree can be expanded for more information.

Within the “Moves and Changes” tab a comparison between different scans is shown (if two dates are selected).

PBX resources are split into various categories (cabinets, cards, handsets, trunks etc) and for each type of resource the table indicates how many additions and removals there have been in the interval between the two PBX audits, and the net difference (if any).