This article describes the process of locating Mitel 3300 configuration files, backing them up in a CSV format, and then auditing them through UCentric.
Connecting to the Mitel Platform
To retrieve the required files for auditing, log in to the Mitel Communications Director web interface. To do this navigate to the MSL IP address in a web browser and log in with the administrator credentials. The interface will look like the one below.
Once logged in, select System Administrator Tool from the prompted tool selection box.
Locating forms within the web interface
Now you have accessed the Mitel web interface, you need to go through each form and retrieve the corresponding CSV file. To access the forms, click the arrows to expand the categories, some forms will be nested in subcategories. The screenshot below shows an example of this form structure.
Note |
Some forms may not be exportable if there is no data available. If a form cannot be exported for this reason, leave it and move on to the next form. |
Exporting forms
When you select a form, there will be a few seconds of loading before a screen is displayed for that particular form. At the top right of the screen, there will be an ‘Export’ button. Click this, which will then display the export screen. Ensure that when exporting that ‘All’ is selected to ensure all data is collected.
Warning |
Critical: Ensure that the System Capacity file is saved with the prefix “SysCap” instead of “System” |
Auditing via UCentric SPA/ZT
The easiest and most recommended method of auditing this system is via the UCentric SPA/ZT. For instructions on how to use the SPA/ZT please see the following article: https://mittech.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQAbAg
Auditing via Audit.exe
Open the UCentric Agent Configuration Wizard by browsing to on the UCentric server. From here create a new site with the decoder type “MiVoice Business (CSV)”.
Copy the Mitel 3300 CSV .zip file onto the UCentric server in an accessible location
Open Audit.exe from the command line, this application is found within C:\Program Files (x86)\MIT Dynamic\UCentric\Voice on the UCentric Server
On the command line enter the following
Audit.exe live MIVB2 -s 123 -d -u sa -p password -f "d:\temp\myzipfile.zip"
Info |
Note: SiteID and Zip file need to be changed to reflect your newly created site and the zip file location. The SiteID can be found next to the new site created in the Agent Configuration Wizard. |