UCentric Voice Audit and Migration

Our supported vendors, PBXs and capabilities

You can find a list of all the supported vendors and specific capabilities in the document below.

Vendor Support and Capabilities

PBXs/systems we can audit via backup → Remote auditing via backups

These vendor platforms can be audited using the ‘standard’ backup from that platform, e.g. for Cisco CUCM it would be a “BATS Backup” as a .tar/.tar.gz arching and for an Avaya BCM, the Excel output from the management platform

UCentric Voice Auditing (via Vendor PABX Backups)


PBXs we can audit directly → Remote auditing of live platforms

These vendors can be audited directly across IP, RAS/VPN, Modem or Serial connections.

Direct Audits (IP, Dialup, VPN, Serial)

UCentric SPA/ZT portal → Automated Auditing and Provisioning

The standalone Single-page SSO enabled portal allows you to drop a backup (as detailed above) onto a web page for instant auditing, or take an LLD (Low-Level-Design) previously generated from the same portal, and provision directly to a cloud provider (e.g. Cisco Webex Calling, RingCentral, Broadworks etc.)

UCentric ZT/SPA - User Manual

Creating HLD templates → Automated Word Templates

HLD (High-Level Design) documents are standard Word .docx files with tokens embedded in them. These tokens are replaced with values, tables and images to populate a document automatically with the audit information

UCentric HLD/Word Merge Creation Guide

Main Voice Auditing web portal → Site creation and viewing reports

The main Web Portal for UCentric incorporates a more detailed approach to both auditing and reporting of information captured. The guides below provide a full user guide on how to use this platform.

UCentric Voice Audit - Overview and Access

Administration, Site creation and running audits.

Viewing Data and Reports