UCentric Installation Guide

UCentric Installation Guide

This guide instructs on the installation process for UCentric and all associated modules.


  1. Download the UCentric installer - Installation files can be obtained via your normal support provider. The installer will be in the format of a .exe file, however, you may need to extract this from a zip file depending on how this has been sent to you.

  2. Once downloaded right-click the installation file and click ‘Run as Administrator’. This will then produce two loading bars followed by the below screen. Once this appears, click ‘Next’.



  3. You will then be presented with a Licence Agreement screen. Please click ‘I accept the terms of the Licence Agreement’ then click ‘Next’.



  4. You will now be presented with the Installation Components screen. From here you can choose which modules you wish to install. The following modules are available for installation:

    1. Realtime Data Capture - This module is used for call logging and any live environmental data capture

    2. Voice Audit - This installs the auditing tools required for PBX auditing

    3. Web Portal - This installs the UCentric web interface used for viewing audits and realtime data capture

    4. Dashboard - This installs the UCentric Dashboard used for realtime reporting

    5. Zero Touch (ZT) - This installs the UCentric ZT also known as SPA (Single Page Application) used for quick auditing/provisioning.

    6. MSSQL Express - Installs SQL2019 Express edition. This will only install if no other SQL instances are detected on the system

      Once you have selected your required modules, click ‘Next’.

  5. The next screen allows you to choose the installation location for UCentric. This will automatically populate as the default installation location. If you wish to change this, click ‘Browse’ and select the required location. Once done, click ‘Next’.


  6. If you selected to Install the UCentric Web, Dahboard or Zero-Touch components, you will now see the following installation screen for each component. This will as standard install to C:\Inetpub. If you wish to change this, click ‘Browse’ and select the required location. Once done, click ‘Next’.


  7. You will now be asked ti provide details for the setup of the UCentric Services. As standard, this is set to Local System account, however, if an account is required, please untick ‘Use Local System Account’ and provide a username/password. Once done, click ‘Next’.

  8. You will now be asked to provide SMTP details which are used for emailing reports, dashboard and alerts. You can choose to skip this step if it is not required, if so leave it blank and click ‘next'. You can also enter these details later in UCentric if required. If you enter SMTP details into this screen, please click ‘Send Test’ once entered to verify. Once the details have been verified please click ‘Next’.


  9. The Next screen will ask you to input the SQL credentials. If you selected to install SQL Express when choosing modules, this area will already be pre-populated. Once you have entered your MSSQL details, click ‘Test Connection’. If this fails, please ensure that TCP/IP & Named Pipes are enabled and that the user you are providing has DB Owner privileges. Once you have successfully tested the connection, click ‘Install’.

  10. The Ucentric software will now start installing. You will see several black screens pop up during the installation process, this is completely normal. Once the install completes, click ‘Finish’.



Error code 1

Please navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Your SQL Instance\MSSQL\Log and retrieve the latest error log. Please then send this over to your usual support provider for further assistance.


.net framework error

For instances where there are issues installing the .net framework during the installation phase, please either download or install via Install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 - .NET Framework | Microsoft Learn for desktops and Install .NET Framework on Windows Server 2022 - .NET Framework for servers. In some cases, it may be required to install the .net framework from a Windows ISO file if the feature cannot be installed by adding an “alternative path”.


Cannot connect to SQL

If this error is received, it is usually due to TCP/IP or named pipes being disabled. to enable this do the following within SQL Server configuration Manager:

  1. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, in the console pane, expand SQL Server Network Configuration.

  2. In the console pane, select Protocols for <instance name>.

  3. In the details pane, right-click the protocol you want to change, and then select Enable or Disable.

  4. In the console pane, select SQL Server Services.

  5. In the details pane, right-click SQL Server (<instance name>), and then select Restart, to stop and restart the SQL Server service.

There may also be other reasons that this error is received due to issues such as incorrect credentials, Credentials that do not have the required access or using an IP address where localhost or hostname may be required instead.