How to create a public dashboard

How to create a public dashboard

This article explains the process of creating a public-facing dashboard that does not require users to log in to access it. Administrators should only do this on dashboards that do not contain confidential data.


  1. Create a dashboard as you normally would within the UCentric Dashboard editor.

    Screenshot 2024-01-31 093550.png
  2. Once you have created a dashboard, expand the options menu located in the top-right of the screen and click ‘Dashboard Management’.

    Screenshot 2024-01-31 093733.png
  3. Within the menu, click on the cog icon associated with the dashboard you have created. This will open the following context screen.


    1. Please ensure that ‘Team Dashboard’ and ‘Public Dashboard’ are both enabled.

    2. Please also take note of the dashboard name, in this instance, it is Historical Energy Analytics - Usage

    3. Now click ‘Done’ on both the Context screen and Dashboard Management screen.

  4. Now that this has been completed you should be able to navigate to the public-facing URL. To do this take the URL that you would normally access the dashboard with, i.e. however now, add public/Dashboard Name i.e. Energy Analytics - Usage


You should now have access to a public-facing dashboard that requires no sign-in to access. Should you have problems with this process, please contact your usual support provider for assistance.