UCDashboard FAQ

UCDashboard FAQ



This article provides answers to frequently asked questions relating to the UCDashboard web interface. Information within this article is relevant for both UCentric and EnviroMonitor customers.


The UCDashboard can be accessed via http://SERVERNAME/ucdashboard/ if the machine you are connecting from is on the same network. If you wish to access this from outside the network, please get in touch with your normal support provider for further information.

Yes, however, only dashboards set as ‘Public’ are accessible without logging into UCDashboard. For information on setting up a public dashboard, please follow this article.

Yes, Dashboards can be emailed within the UCDashboard web interface by expanding the user menu on the right-hand side and clicking ‘Email Dashboard’ as shown in the below screenshot.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 143411.png

Once clicked you will be presented with the screen below which allows you to send the dashboards out in a .pdf format to whomever you wish.

You mast first setup your SMTP settings within the UCentric Web Interface before emails can be sent via UCdashboard. You can set this up by following this article.

Files for use with the Media widget must be stored on the Server within C:\inetpub\UCDashboard

UCDashboard is compatible with all modern browsers, however, for optimum performance, we recommend using Google Chrome.